Test of tools for the production of plastic products
The injection molding test plays a key role in ensuring the high-quality demands and success of the production process.
We test new injection molding tools as well as existing ones, prior and after required tool changes are implemented. It is crucial to check both, the function of the tool and the quality of the product, before the tool starts with serial production.
Tools tests take place on our KraussMaffei machines with a clamping force of 80 tons and 300 tons.
Tool and product size
We test tools up to a size 710 x 1200 mm, with a total injection mass of 680 cm3 or up to a size 420 x 420 mm and a total injection mass of 155 cm3.
Material preparation
In order to ensure a high-quality test, in addition to tool and the material, we also need the technical data sheet of the material that we will use for testing and further production. We prepare the material accordingly; we dry it if necessary and add a masterbatch when required.
Process test
During the process test, we set injection molding parameters, which ensure an optimal product quality depending on the condition of the tool.
Product quality control
After inspecting the product, the customer decides whether the quality demands have been achieved and the tool is ready for serial production, or whether additional corrections and improvements are necessary.
Adjustments and settings
If necessary, additional tool adjustments and settings are made, to ensure proper tool operation.
Injection-molding tool testing is necessary and critical to determine if the tool can operate properly and produce high-quality products as required. Otherwise, further optimization has to be done.
To reserve the date of the test, do not hesitate to call or write:
Valentina Zorman
00 386 31 33 55 45